Press room

Press Contact Information

Dr. Katie Spencer White, President and CEO
[email protected]

19 Colby Street
Waterville, ME 04901

Materials Permission Request Form

To request the use of materials from the Mid-Maine Homeless Shelter & Services, please complete the materials permission request form and return to: Tanya Fossett, Development and Communications Director at [email protected].


The Supreme Court has decided homelessness is now a crime.

We knew this was coming. And yet, we are still shocked.

Grants Pass v Johnson had been decided in favor of the city who now have an unfettered right to prosecute unhoused people for sleeping in public.

This country faces a shortage of almost 200,000 shelter beds. In Maine, that shortage is about 2000 on any given night.

Shelters themselves face a fiscal cliff every year – our work is largely unrecognized and undervalued. Most of us receive in revenue less than 25% of the cost of providing the bed and services necessary to meet the need of people in crisis.

That puts beds and lives at risk.

Read More about this Supreme Court Decision
People experiencing homelessness need more than your change. They need connection.

“The most sacred laws of justice are the laws which guard the life and person of our neighbor.” -Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments

What if I told you that a local low-barrier homeless shelter is good for business?

It’s not as crazy as it sounds.

Not many people know that before Adam Smith wrote “…A Wealth of Nations”, the text that gave us capitalism and a society ordered around self-interest, he first wrote about morality and justice.

Read More about Justice for All